Who is JONAS SUN 7 at Catherine Ahnell Gallery
Following the announcement that JONAS SUN 7 and L’ATLAS will be represented at the Urban Contemporary Art Auction on June 1st in Paris alongside artists such as KEITH HARING, BANKSY and JEFF KOONS – let us introduce you further to our former artists in residence.
Jonas “Sun 7” was introduced to the American market by gallery owner and curator Catherine Ahnell and his solo exhibition Over-exposed opened in September 2013.
His work has appeared in numerous exhibitions and art fairs since 1997 and has been exhibited in high-profile openings at Grand Palais, Fondation Cartier, Espace Louis Vuitton and Palais Tokyo in Paris, as well as in a collective exhibition curated by Magda Danysz.
Jonas “Sun 7” is one of France’s most promising French artists. Translating calligraphic techniques of street art ito fine arts he creates a unique visual language pushing the margins of contemporary art. An exploration of graffiti culture as a teenager blossomed into installation and performance work that soon started to draw attention around the globe. When Jonas Sun 7’s father suffered a stroke, it was a rude awakening for the young artist. This experience marked a distinct turning point in his career, and he began to eternalize memories through his letterforms, questioning who we are at present in connection to our memory. Capturing the impact of spontaneity and self expression as well as the action of live art on canvases, allowed him to expose art pieces in galleries around the world.
Below a selection of art pieces from Jonas Sun 7’s exhibition Over-exposed.
For available pieces please go to artsy: