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LeModuLeDeZeeR - From the Streets of Paris, Urban Installations to Art Galleries all over the World
Mehdi is using his background in advertising, cleverly choosing his spots near Museums and highly traffic areas to display his art as well as getting commissioned to make public installations.

Palais Royal - Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication - Paris (FR)
George Pompidou, Puce St Ouen, Parc Floral de Paris, Palais Tokyo, Street in 3eme arr, Start-Game-Over X.O. Paris

FIAC - Grand Palais - Paris (FR)

Bains-Douches, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris(FR)

The French clothing designer Agnès b. early discovered the work of Mehdi and have exhibit his work, installations in Gallery du Jour in Paris and in her stores World Wide.
LeMoDuLeDeZeeR or LMDLDR_Zeer
The meaning of ZeeR comes from: Zone Expérimentale d’Expression Relative
Translation: Experimental Area of Relative Expression.